Sobo 400 F Aquarium

A True Review:-

We have bought sobo 400 F aquarium from amazon for the price of 3999. previously we bought bowl from amazon but we feel so sad after getting the bowl with completely broken condition from a seller in amazon who has highest rating. So don’t go for bowl as it may be broken due to improper handling during delivery , it was for 700 rupees. But we are glad to say that amazon has given us full refund. But it was not good for to be received broken glass in the house. So next time we decide to go for buying something which is more good in quality , then we go for sobo aquarium from amazon (SOBO 400 F Aquarium ) From the JAINSONS PET PRODUCTS . The aquarium is fitted with Filter and light. But dont think that light is changable. It is single coloured white light. They have given a poster for the aquarium too and a small fibre plant. The tank is 28 Liter tank but dont got for lower size because that was too small as i saw in youtube. 28 liter is the good one. We bought some molly fish on the next day and fishes and we both are very happy. Thank you amazon and sobo and ofcourse JAINSON pet products for such a nice aquarium.